by Pastor Paul Strike, Congregation and Community Engagement Coordinator
When staff and campers arrive at Camp Lutherwood Oregon this summer, they will immerse themselves in the theme, Together: Across the Divide!, where creativity and collaboration will be part of everything we do. Campers will dive deep into their relationships with one another and wonder how their relationship with God shapes those relationships. Because of the amazing things God does for us, we can do amazing things with and for the people in our lives—from the smallest gesture to the biggest act of love we can imagine together!
The daily themes focus on ways we are all called to live together. On Monday, we are Creating Together. Because God creates good things (including us!), we can also create good things. Tuesday’s theme, Welcoming Together, equips us to welcome one another just as Jesus welcomes all. On Wednesday, the theme of Growing Together will help us think about God’s desire for our growth, especially in our relationships. On Thursday, we are sent out from Camp Lutherwood Shining Together, putting our gifts to use for the sake of the world.
Our simple hope for our campers is that they will go home knowing that they can partner up to make this world—a world that God deeply loves — a better place.
Come experience Camp Lutherwood Oregon this summer…together!